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Hemp Flower

*Also Called: CBD Hemp Extract, CBD Flower, Hemp Plant

Cosmetic / Ingestion Purposes:

Active Ingredient, All Natural

Ingredient Analysis

(Click on text for more information for each category)


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Hemp Flower

What does it do? What is it used for? Read further to learn how KOLAS Hemp uses this ingredient to compliment our CBD Hemp products.

in simple terms,

KOLAS uses California-sourced hemp flower. 3rd Party Tested safe and passing the legal limit of <0.3% THC by volume.

Hemp Flower

How safe is 

Hemp Flower

Hemp Flower is unrated by EWD. According to our research, this ingredient is SAFE! KOLAS Hemp only uses All-Natural ingredients in the formulation of our CBD Hemp products.

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Let's dive a little deeper...

The increase of the CBD enterprise over the last 5 years is not anything short of amazing. Today, the hemp-derived CBD sector is immense, with billions of dollars in annual sales and exponential growth throughout the sector year after year. Some industry professionals estimate that the worldwide CBD market may top $20 billion by 2025. However, at the same time, as the worldwide fascination with CBD can't be denied, many individuals don't recognize where these cannabinoids originate from. 

While limitless CBD-infused products are flooding the market by the thousands, it's important to realize they all come from a humble little plant. Whether you're talking about a CBD gummy bear or a CBD pet treat, they all have the same starting point, cannabinoids extracted from hemp flowers. To provide you with a higher understanding of where your favored CBD products come from, let's discover the subject of hemp flowers.

Understanding the Hemp plant vs. Cannabis Plant

A great starting point to start getting the hemp plant better is understanding the distinction between Hemp and Cannabis. Both cannabis and hemp flowers incorporate over 100 different types of cannabinoids – including THC, cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG), Delta 8 (D8), etc. 

The highest quantity of these cannabinoid compounds would be found in the "Flower" or "buds" of the female plant. The male plant does not grow flowers. Many farmers only plant feminized seeds to maximize their flower harvest. Shocking a female plant while it is in the veg phase can turn the female plant into a hermaphrodite, in turn, which a hermaphrodite plant produces seeds. 

When a feminized cannabis or hemp plant remains unpollinated, it produces even large quantities of cannabinoids in its flower. All cannabis plants are grown to provide the feminized flowers optimal nutrients to make the maximum THC output possible. Similarly, CBD and CBG hemp flowers are grown strictly for their cannabinoid-wealthy flower (CBD or CBG). In an alternate business of hemp biomass, hemp flowers aren't grown for the flower and cannabinoids they produce but rather as an alternative for the fibers of the plant's stalk. 

Hemp flower buds range drastically from cannabis plants when speaking of THC content. Importantly, all cannabis Sativa flowers with flowers/buds that test less than 0.3% THC are legally categorized under the Hemp Farm Bill as labeled to be hemp. While containing minute traces of THC, hemp buds make up for it in CBD and CBG.

Hemp farmers growing hemp for CBD or CBG can purchase feminized seeds specifically bred to provide the specific output they are looking for in strain flavors and cannabinoid content ratios. 

CBD Flower vs THC Flower

How do they differ?

Cannabis contains 113 cannabinoids. Two of the most common are tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). CBD flower is simply a cannabis plant that has a high CBD content and low THC, such as hemp. THC flowers are high in THC and low in CBD... Read More


Our Top Selling Hemp Flower


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Checkout some of our products containing

Hemp Flower

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