Purified Water
*Also Called: h2o, Water, Distilled Water
Cosmetic / Ingestion Purposes:
Ingredient Analysis
(Click on text for more information for each category)
Purified Water
What does it do? What is it used for? Read further to learn how KOLAS Hemp uses this ingredient to compliment our CBD Hemp products.
in simple terms,
KOLAS uses water that is free of toxins, pollutants and microbes when formulating CBD and personal care products
How safe is
Purified Water
Purified Water rated a 1 of 10. This ingredient is considered low hazard and SAFE! KOLAS Hemp only uses All-Natural ingredients in the formulation of our CBD Hemp products.
Let's dive a little deeper...
Aqua, Good old water, H2O, is one of the most common skincare ingredients. When used in cosmetics, the water is purified and deionized. Typically it's listed at the top of the ingredient list, signifying it's the most prominent ingredient used in the product. It functions as a solvent for ingredients that do not dissolve in oils.