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Sardine Oil

*Also Called: Fish Oil

Cosmetic / Ingestion Purposes:


Ingredient Analysis

(Click on text for more information for each category)


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Sardine Oil

What does it do? What is it used for? Read further to learn how KOLAS Hemp uses this ingredient to compliment our CBD Hemp products.

in simple terms,

Helps develop muscles & connective tissue, boost immune system, protect against kidney disease in your Pets

Sardine Oil

How safe is 

Sardine Oil

Sardine Oil rated a 1 of 10. This ingredient is considered low hazard and SAFE! KOLAS Hemp only uses All-Natural ingredients in the formulation of our CBD Hemp products.

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Let's dive a little deeper...

Sardine Oil is emanated from wild sardines and is a great natural addition to your pet's diet. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it relieves the symptoms of dry, itchy skin and promotes a healthy coat in pets. 

In addition, sardines and sardine oil contain lysine. Lysine is a vital fatty acid that promotes the repair of soft tissue damage induced by infection or illness. 

Sardines promotes a robust immune system and healthy circulation through a powerful antioxidant - CoenzymeQ10. Naturally-occurring calcium, Vitamins A, B, D,  and K, support energy levels, reproductive health, and joint building by improving nutrient absorption and utilization.

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Checkout some of our products containing

Sardine Oil

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