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Sunflower Seed Oil

*Also Called: Helianthus Annuus

Cosmetic / Ingestion Purposes:

Viscosity Controlling

Ingredient Analysis

(Click on text for more information for each category)



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Sunflower Seed Oil

What does it do? What is it used for? Read further to learn how KOLAS Hemp uses this ingredient to compliment our CBD Hemp products.

in simple terms,

Because of its high concentrations of oils (oleic acid, linoleic acid) and Vitamin E, sun flower seed oil is used as a emollient agent in skincare. Benefits include: improving skin hydration and providing antioxidant protection.

Sunflower Seed Oil

How safe is 

Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower Seed Oil rated a 1 of 10. This ingredient is considered low hazard and SAFE! KOLAS Hemp only uses All-Natural ingredients in the formulation of our CBD Hemp products.

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Let's dive a little deeper...

Sunflower seed oil helps treat conditions associated with two very different skin types simultaneously. Rich in linoleic acid protects the skin and balances moisture. It constructs a shield around the skin and stops dirt, germs, and bacteria, the leading cause of acne breakouts. 

On the contrary, sunflower seed oil contains oleic acid, which nourishes dry, irritated, and aging skin because it penetrates the skin's surface, replaces lost moisture, and prevents moisture loss without clogging pores. 

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Checkout some of our products containing

Sunflower Seed Oil

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