*Also Called: Vitamin E
Cosmetic / Ingestion Purposes:
UV Absorber
Ingredient Analysis
(Click on text for more information for each category)
What does it do? What is it used for? Read further to learn how KOLAS Hemp uses this ingredient to compliment our CBD Hemp products.
in simple terms,
Tocopherol is a known antioxidant with potent anti-inflammatory benefits. It helps to support the immune system, cellular function, and skin health.
How safe is
Tocopherol rated a 1 of 10. This ingredient is considered low hazard and SAFE! KOLAS Hemp only uses All-Natural ingredients in the formulation of our CBD Hemp products.
Let's dive a little deeper...
Tocopherol, also known as Vitamin E, is the primary fat-soluble antioxidant in our skin. It plays a crucial role in protecting skin cells from free radicals as a powerful antioxidant. Free radicals cause collagen breakdown resulting in dull and aging skin. Its fat-soluble properties improve absorption and moisture retention.
Vit E is common in many foods: vegetables, oils, seeds, nuts, corn, soy, and even meats and dairy products. It is known to reduce the damage caused by UVB rays and protect the skin from sunburn. Used together with 15% Vitamin C, the effectiveness is doubled for both vitamins.