In recent years, marijuana and CBD has gained popularity leading to an increase in exploration and recognition to treat a wider array of problems, where other drugs or therapies just aren't cutting it.
Doctors and patients have found that CBD is effective in helping with symptoms brought on by certain conditions thanks to their support, this has allowed some jurisdictions to permit the use of medical marijuana with a prescription and a recognized condition.
Now the derivatives from cannabis and synthetic marijuana are being produced. These products aim to give the same medicinal benefits, without the drug high. In some cases, they are being used as a form of CBD.
What can Medical Cannabis & CBD Treat?
For starters, so many things! Cannabis has over 200 medical uses that can be identified, and still, more are being discovered.
Some of these can be broken down into the following broad categories but not limited to :
Anti-inflammatory/immune system
Harm reduction
Anxiolytic (anxiety reliever)
anti-depressant for mood disorders
appetite stimulant
Analgesic (pain relief)
An important note to keep in mind as well, the FDA has not approved marijuana for any medical indication.
Some conditions for which medical marijuana can be prescribed include:
Chronic pain
Multiple sclerosis
and many more
Harmful Side Effects of Marijuana
Quite a few potentially harmful side effects in marijuana have been identified. Including cardiovascular issues such as heartbeat and blood pressure problems, breastfeeding while pregnant, and possible allergic reactions.
Medical marijuana & CBD risks may currently be considered low, but people with heart problems may want to consult their doctor before partaking in medical marijuana, as one of its side effects is increased heart rate.
Marijuana can also sometimes cause faintness when consumers stand up quickly, this is known as postural hypotension. This poses a risk of passing out, falling, and possibly suffering a potentially fatal injury. The impact marijuana has on blood pressure is unpredictable, so consult your prescribing doctor.
Marijuana Use During Pregnancy
There are opposing sides when it comes to marijuana use during pregnancy. Whilst some advocate the use for treating morning sickness, other research indicates possible serious neurological effects on a developing child. A research review related to the effects of prenatal exposure to marijuana at various stages of development shows a possible increased risk of stillbirth and low birth weight.
Although, these studies could be convoluted as well, due to the fact that women who use marijuana during pregnancy are more likely to engage in other such behaviors like tobacco smoking. Not giving the most accurate results in the studies.
A significant increase for anencephaly is a serious birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain or skull. This happens when the fetus is exposed to marijuana during the first month of gestation, 1 to 4 weeks after conception.
Some evidence also shows that marijuana use during pregnancy can disrupt structural brain development, as well as neurotransmitters which play a role in cognitive and emotional functioning, leading to impaired regulatory control: irritability, tremors, and poor habits. Also causing difficulty with arousal and state regulation and sleep disturbances.
All in all, doctors have shown concern about the hazards during marijuana pregnancy. Cannabis is fat-soluble, and can easily cross the placenta into the blood-brain barrier. Meaning if the mother uses marijuana it can build up in the tissues of the baby's brain. Which has the potential to damage motor control, memory, and other main brain functions.
Issues in development
There have been a quite few studies that documented neuro-developmental issues in older children, adolescents, and young adults that were prenatally exposed to cannabis. These studies show consistency with the effects of cannabis on a developing fetal central nervous system.
Certain children who had been exposed to marijuana prenatally were followed up with overtime, they found a consistent pattern of issues regarding cognitive functioning. At 6 years old, prenatal exposure was liked to verbal reasoning score and deficits in composite, short-term memory, and quantitative intelligence scores. By the time they were 10 years, negative effects of prenatal exposure had a big impact on design memory and tests of learning and memory, and the children had lower test scores during schooling.
Children that were exposed have an increased link to hyperactivity, impulses, and inattention problems as well as increased responses to a child's depressive symptoms. The symptoms explained accurately predicted delinquency at 14 years old and difficulties with executive functioning, which is central to learning and managing behavior. Young adults which were prenatally exposed have been found to have changed neural functioning that affected short-term memory.
These findings are complicated by the tendency of mothers who use marijuana during pregnancy being exposed to numerous other things such as substances, and stressors. However, until more research is available it is best to avoid marijuana use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Possible side effects
Several side effects have been reported in link with marijuana, these include faintness, racing heartbeat, twitches, headaches, and numbness. Side effects don't always pop up right away but can develop over time, as the person is exposed to more marijuana. In rare cases more severe allergic reactions have been reported, ranging from rashes to full-blown anaphylaxis. If you experience any symptoms that are possibly allergy-related, stop use, and talk to your prescribing doctor.
Marinol, what is it?
Marinol is a prescribed form of medical cannabis, it is a synthetic version of the delta9-THC compound. Usually prescribed as an appetite stimulant for patients suffering from severe appetite loss, nausea, and vomiting, caused by severe conditions such as AIDS and cancer.
Medical marijuana is extremely controversial, mostly due to the fact cannabis has been a controlled substance for many years. Cause of this, Marinol is only prescribed to people who have severe health conditions and not adequately responded to other treatment methods.
The effects and side effects of Marinol.
Patients prescribed Marinol may experience some of the more pleasurable effects of recreational cannabis, such as elation and euphoria.
Similar to recreational cannabis Marinol can also have some unpleasant side effects. Including but not limited to paranoia, unusual thoughts, upset stomach, and drowsiness.
Medical marijuana, is it just another way to abuse drugs?
Terms such as "drug abuse" and "substance abuse" are judgmental and imply blame on the person using the substance. Many professionals have decided to drop this term for that reason. Although the question of whether the current medical marijuana system is being used as intended does raise some flags.
In 2017 a research report indicated that users who were not medical patients report using cannabis sourced from dispensaries. Those cannabis users are more likely to use prescription drugs not prescribed to them, then those who are prescribed marijuana. Indicating recreational users are turning to prescribed sources of the substance rather than traditional street drugs. This adds marijuana to the list of prescribed drugs being used recreationally.
Patients who are prescribed marijuana may be benefiting greatly from access to dispensaries. Also shown in that research, medical marijuana patients use more marijuana than recreational users. Typically vaporizing concentrates of cannabis such as oil, dabs, and wax.
On the other side of that coin, many cannabis users who aren't medically prescribed report self-medicating untreated symptoms with cannabis and other drugs. Another study of a healthcare provider in Washington shows that many doctors are uncomfortable recommending medical marijuana.